Want to quit smoking?

It's expensive and a nasty habit , why bother to smoke?
Addicted? If you have a non-stop habit of smoking you probably are addicted. Heres some tips to help you quit.
Tip: Drink more water.
Water actually helps in the cessation of smoking. Water flushes out the body, which is why some people will feel bloated for the first couple of days of drinking excess water. Then, they will urinate frequently. With this urination go the toxins building up in the bloodstream from smoking.
Medical researchers believe that it takes up to three days for the toxins from smoking to begin to leave the body in mass quantities. It takes 24 hours for the toxins to begin to leave the body. When these toxins make themselves known in the body, in the hours before they are released, the smoker will begin to crave a cigarette, which will suppress the toxins.
Tip: Think like a non-smoker.
Non-smokers don’t plan their days around smoke breaks. Non-smokers don’t have a stash of lighters “just in case.” Non-smokers function without worrying about the next nicotine buzz. Think like a non-smoker.
Tip: Cut down on caffeine.
There’s more bad news out there from researchers regarding caffeine. It turns out that this very mild drug does more than keep you up at night and dehydrate your body. It actually encourages smoking cigarettes!
Nicotine and alcohol cause essentially the same effect in the body. Engaging in one behavior often leads to the other. Many smokers can attest to the fact that they often crave nicotine and caffeine together or that they crave one when they engage in the other. It is not just psychological.
Tip: Quit Smoking Cold Turkey
Many people prefer to quit smoking "cold turkey" rather than wean themselves gradually or through the use of nicotine replacement therapy or other smoking cessation aids.
If you quit cold turkey, you are quitting abruptly, and this can be successful, but it can also be difficult when the withdrawal symptoms hit. Make sure you understand that you will probably have more withdrawal symptoms with this method than with other gradual methods of quitting.
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