Friday, November 10, 2006

You're ALWAYS IN Control

You are ALWAYS in control....of YOU:WHERE you are and WHAT you do and HOW you do it and WHY you do it and with WHOM you do it. ALWAYS. Let me re-emphasize. ALWAYS!

If you're with a girl who aggrivates you, you can leave her, drop her off, or turn around.

If you're wanting new friends, get out and meet new people who are LIKED-minded, I.E Want new friends and Want to be social, don't just find people who do the same thing but don't want to connect with anyone.

If you want more money, go get it. Find out how to do it, through ways you don't know and ways you do know, about ways that are public AND private.

You're always in control. You always have a choice. You always have a voice. The question is, do you use it? Do you exist? Do you speak your voice, opinion, and your thoughts?

When you're with family, it's your choice to be there. Or not be there. Things are bad or good in relation to something else, not just because someone arbitrarily determines with their morality that they are. Sex with a random girl is only bad when religion is considered. Without the consideration of religion, it's wonderful. Some religions respect povery, other's respect the abundance a God believes his people should have. Skipping is bad if you're going absolutely nowhere, and selling drugs, and wasting your life, but if you're Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, jumping ship proved to be very successful. Schools don't only teach you HOW to think, but WHAT to think, which makes them somewhat detrimental to the entrepreneurs whose basis for existence and profit is NEW thinking.

It's your control. There's no mandate in heaven or hell with your responsibility in life. Donald Trump might be a man, and he might have a new baby, but he doesn't do house-cleaning, and laundry, or baby-tending, he leaves that for hired hands. Rather, he spends his time relationship building, and leaves motherly things to his house-wive. Any normal, non Trumpian could, if they FOUND a way to do so. Thing is, not many make it a priority to find a way to do so. Some try to find ways based on where they are, not where they want to be. So if you were poor and were trying to fund a housekeeper and keep your wife home with the kids, and did so by working more hours, that's 1 way. The bad way would be to go into further poverty to accomplish that.

The responsibility of life is inscribed into your soul, and only YOU know it. Only you can decipher it. So get at it. When people bump you around, they're using their ego to push you into what role they THINK you should play, without considering what role you WANT to play. It's a reinforcement of PRESENT reality, not the possibility of a NEW FUTURE reality.

Guys think exerting control is exerting force over someone else, but that RARELY ever works, and if it does, it's with the weak and feable minded. Is that who you want to work with, the weak and feableminded, who seek managers and not leaders? FORCE and CONTROL respect FORCE and CONTROL, but cannot be used or controlled in the same manner. 2 DJ's of note couldn't control each other, but an AFC could be manipulated by a DJ. Likewise, a true professional can't be manipulated by another professional, GAME RECOGNIZES GAME. But an amateur can be manipulated by professional, hence why people who resort to FORCE ended up surrounded by bumbling idiots, instead of true assets and firestarters.

If you made a team of Pri-Madonnas, it COULD workout, provided you didn't force them or try to control them. Talent won't react that way. It seeks respect and leadership, the same as all aware men on this site do. It seeks to be unique, and exercise ITS talent since it is aware of it.

So a guy can't control WORTHWHILE a woman, but a TALENTED guy in control of himself can control HER via his own self-control. Meaning, knowing what you want and don't want, what you stand for and don't stand for, etc, and acting on these points makes you all the more powerful. Honesty, when backed by control and power is more powerful than lying. People revere honesty, because any fool can lie, and does lie.

Women will use the ideas of LOVE as keycards of control to break your steel and to suggest caveats on your relationship. It should never happen. When you cave, out of her needs, instead of your's, you set a precedent that she will go back on. Never let that happen. You're always in control. Not of other people, but YOURSELF. Remember that. You can get up, you can walk away, you can change your mind and change your life; you're in control. You own it. It's the only thing you own that CANNOT change, that doesn't go away, that anyone can steal. It cannot be bought or sold, and once it's lost, it takes awhile to regain. That power alone is what people seek to own. To control another is to control twice the life and twice the infinite possibility.

Happiness like sadness is a frame of mind, a choice we exert. If you choose it, choose it fully and live it out IN the moment, 100%.


How Do You Know You're Not the ONE?

What if you're the guy to land the NEXT big sale from the big whale of an account?

What if you're the call to make someone's day?

What if you're the guy that girl is waiting for, but she doesn't realize someone like you exists?

What if you're the guy who invents....?

What if?

Just because you're NOT now, doesn't mean you couldn't be, ESPECIALLY if you're never tested and done something until you TRULY accomplish it. I don't mean a small sample size, since most people do things once or only a few weeks then stop, they never reach a point of true peace and harmony and success. Success is the constant application of principles that result in ever improving results. Improving results is based on what it is your doing. In lifting, you'd be a success if you got stronger or changed your physique. You're a success here if YOU'RE HAPPY and CONFIDENT you can meet the girl YOU want (one that wants you, and you want her). You're a success in life if you do what you want and live and/or die by that.

Think with THAT mentality, BE that mentality and good things will come. What if you're the one that...(positive)


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